Publicis Groupe Ukraine

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Keep calm & carry-on big data

The celebration of Kyivstar’s 25th anniversary was supposed to be the highlight of 2022. However, due to the war, traditional approaches to business and media planning no longer worked.

In the realities of full-scale war, Kyivstar reduced its media budgets by 30%. Consumer behavior changed, but the positioning of the brand “Human Connection” became even more relevant. The campaign for a new tariff for the 25th anniversary with the option of donations for the army was launched as a special crisis solution in wartime to save the lives of Ukrainian defenders and literally restore human connections in the de-occupied cities. The key challenge was optimizing the media support of the campaign.

The basis of the planning was Big Data from previous campaigns. Based on this, we created a new approach to planning, using econometric attribution modeling of users’ actual actions. Our data-driven strategy led to a significant shift in the TV and digital media split from 70/30 to a more effective 35/65. We managed to identify the most influential communication methods, thus increasing the amount of direct communication (SMS, push notifications, etc.) and additionally the share of display components in digital tools due to its economic efficiency and higher conversion rates in donation activations.

For continuous tracking of results and accuracy, we created live dashboards.


x2.5 Activation of the superpower “Helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine”

+20 p.p. Contribution to the restoration of Ukraine

+4 p.p. Brand connection

+4 p.p. Market leadership in mobile communications

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Keep calm & carry-on big data
Regional OdysSEO for the priority. Fixed internet by Kyivstar

Kyivstar gain first place in the fragmented market of the fixed Internet and become “visible” for the non-beneficial algorithms of the search algorithm. Instead of classic SEO-approaches the brand left the template and optimized the landing page for each city and town, where there is a physical possibility of Kyivstar to provide the fixed Internet.

Experimental “local” tactics in SEO increased the visibility of Kyivstar’s fixed Internet in the first positions of organic search results by 3.5 times. Brand №1 has now caught up with itself in the search.

This case received Bronze Award in E-Commerce category at Effie Awards Ukraine.

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Regional OdysSEO for the priority. Fixed internet by Kyivstar
Changing the Symbolism with the Motherland Pride

In Ukraine, Pride events do not have a long history. COVID-19 in 2020 made it even more difficult, as all Pride events were canceled and switched to online, which reduced the audience dramatically. Online involves only LGBTQ+ activists. Offline Pride events are a moment of visibility for a wide audience. KyivPride and Saatchi & Saatchi had a difficult task – during a pandemic they needed a campaign that spread online Pride events across the country.

We hacked the tallest European statue, the iconic Motherland Monument, with the help of drones and the Dronarium Ukraine team we attached a huge rainbow flag to its sword in real-time. The statue’s symbolism was transformed – from the protection of Soviet values to human rights protection and raising awareness of gender equality. It was an upside-down shift in symbolism that immediately resonated with society.

The task was to make our Pride event visible in Kyiv during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. But our stunt made Kyiv’s Pride visible all over the world with more than 100 million impressions in the first three days. The Motherland Monument stunt was recognized as the EVENT OF THE YEAR in Ukraine & Eastern Europe.

The Motherland Pride won several awards in the biggest world festivals on creativity and efficiency, such as Effie Awards Ukraine 2021, Cannes Lions 2021 and 2022, Andy Awards 2021, Golden Drum 2021, AD Stars 2021, D&D 2022, and The One Show 2022.

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Changing the Symbolism with the Motherland Pride
Podorozhnyk – Knows That Helps

Podorozhnyk is one of the TOP-5 pharmacy chains in Ukraine. The brand is growing rapidly, therefore, it needs an update that would reflect its fresh essence, advantages, and values.

The Publicis Ukraine team has rethought the brand identity and key message for the new Podorozhnyk. This is how the slogan appeared: “Podorozhnyk. Knows that helps”. It is based on two main brand advantages. On one hand, the brand has the necessary competencies, knowledge, experience, and resources to tell the client which drugs would be helpful in a specific case. On the other hand, Podorozhnyk cares about its client, offering high-quality drugs with no fakes. Also provides regular discount programs: “Quality available to everyone”, and provides additional services such as “Doctor at the pharmacy” etc.

Then the agency team updated the logo. Over the past years, Podorozhnyk has managed to build brand awareness, so when working with the visual component, it was important to maintain continuity, while reflecting updates and modernizing it. Thus, the recognizable medical cross and plantain leaf were visually rethought in the main green color. They merged into a single entity, where the significant element of the sign is linked to the corresponding word in the logo by color: the cross to the word pharmacy and the leaf to the Podorozhnyk. The logo has become concise and simple to understand, and the font has become lighter, neater, and more open.

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Podorozhnyk – Knows That Helps

This is a showcase of how Lenovo, a hi-tech electronics brand, thinks not only about the functional features of its products, but also takes care of both product usage conditions and client’s comfort.

Creating of Lenovo Meowbook – laptop for cats – added more emotions into the user-brand relationships as well as highlighting such a problem as ‘device damaging from cat’s fur’ which became communicative innovation in this category.

Virus orientation, originality, and non-standard merging of high technologies and additional customer care allowed Lenovo to be organically discussed in media and got 9.5 million impressions.

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Save the animals with Save Wild

Save Wild is a fund that rehabilitates wild animals after the captivity. By creating close to natural conditions, the foundation helps animals recover physically and morally. We have developed a corporate identity that best conveys the essence of the fund’s activities. We have chosen the forest as a symbol of the natural environment, depicting it in the form of tree rings that protect wild animals, emphasizing the value and vulnerability of life.

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Save the animals with Save Wild
Fructis Renovation or how to be on the TOP again

Against the backdrop of a difficult situation in the hair care category, we faced an ambitious task: to bring Fructis out of the prolonged period of stagnation thanks to consumer rejuvenation. To achieve the goal, we worked with the most difficult audience for communication – Millenials.

Thanks to the insight developed on the basis of the specially conducted research, we brilliantly coped with the task set before us, which affected the results of the rebranding: the growth of the Fructis market share, the attraction of a new audience, most of which are girls under 35 years old.
Fructis relaunch is an example of a successful strategy built on the interaction of deep insights, vivid creativity, and exciting implementation.

tvlab – creative partner of the project.

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Fructis Renovation or how to be on the TOP again
DigiVision for SausageSnack

We faced a challenge to break into the everyday life of people with a new product Kabanosy – long, thin sausages made from natural meat, positioned in between the meat-sausage and snack category. Until 2019 the product was unknown to both Ukrainian customers and distributors. Retail shops didn’t understand in which division the product should be sold, customers were puzzled whether to make sandwiches or eat Kabanosy with beer.

New product inspired us for a new approach for mixing media channels. We turned the classical media mix upside down and developed “DigiVision”, where digital plays a leading role in generating reach and TV is playing a secondary role. Non-standard and effective usage of media allowed Kabanosy to become a leader of the category of Snack and Meat products with minimal investment and significantly grew monthly sales.

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DigiVision for SausageSnack
Increasing sales for PrivatBank with SEO and AI

Increasing sales for PrivatBank with SEO and AI

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How to turn the Pharma eRetail Media market black box into effective performance marketing?

How to turn the Pharma eRetail Media market black box into effective performance marketing?

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Plasticine stories on sensitive issues by Publicis Ukraine

Plasticine stories on sensitive issues by Publicis Ukraine

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Exclusive Packaging for Svitoch Exclusive

Exclusive Packaging for Svitoch Exclusive

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Your favorite clothes look new much longer!

Your favorite clothes look new much longer!

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Be the King of your Jungle

Be the King of your Jungle

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National Art Museum of Ukraine (NAMU): NAMU Lions

National Art Museum of Ukraine (NAMU): NAMU Lions

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The Best Side of Molokiia

The Best Side of Molokiia

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The Ukrainian Creative Awards

The Ukrainian Creative Awards

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Classic Picnic #SOUNDwiththeCITY

Classic Picnic #SOUNDwiththeCITY

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When you can look whatever, look great with Garnier Fructis Superfood

When you can look whatever, look great with Garnier Fructis Superfood

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Become a Hero with Men Expert

Become a Hero with Men Expert

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Nescafé 3in1 integration in music clip to engage young trendy audience

Nescafé 3in1 integration in music clip to engage young trendy audience

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Let our #ІСТОРІЇVСЕРЕДИНІ be heard or how to involve the audience in delicate dialog

Let our #ІСТОРІЇVСЕРЕДИНІ be heard or how to involve the audience in delicate dialog

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Through rationality and expertise to the consumer’s heart

Through rationality and expertise to the consumer’s heart

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How to find a new audience to boost brand leaders growth

How to find a new audience to boost brand leaders growth

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Get your head in the game with Lion together

Get your head in the game with Lion together

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Dirol Blogger Academy

Dirol Blogger Academy

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The very same feeling when you’re with Pure the coolest one

The very same feeling when you’re with Pure the coolest one

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Message personalization and psychographics in campaigns by Visa and their partner PrivatBank

Message personalization and psychographics in campaigns by Visa and their partner PrivatBank

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Take it smoothie – Molokiia

Take it smoothie – Molokiia

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White Rock
Peugeot Citroen
L`Oreal Ukraine
Ukrsibbank PNR Paribas Group
Carlsberg Ukraine
Save Wild
Coca-Cola HBC
Raiffeisen Bank
Reckitt Benckiser
Unity Bars
Клуб Сиру
Philip Morris
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